Discover our new homes in Kent

Shared Ownership in Kent

Shared ownership houses and apartments available in Kent

When searching for shared ownership in Kent, you can rest assured that we have the property suited to your needs.

At Moat, we offer a fantastic range of high quality one and two bedroom apartments and two, three and four bedroom houses for sale. Shared ownership offers first-time buyers a real opportunity to purchase their first home.


Living in Kent

Kent encompasses everything from vast areas of outstanding natural beauty, charming country villages and vibrant micro cities that bring a sense of London living with an abundance of space and a fraction of the cost.

Making a move to the Garden of England is a dream for many, whether it’s a move for the family or a chance to get onto the property ladder, the views or the quick commutes to central London make Moat shared ownership the ideal choice for first time buyers and people looking for a new shared ownership home.

At Moat, we offer a fantastic range of high quality one and two bedroom apartments and two, three and four bedroom houses for sale. Shared ownership offers first-time buyers a real opportunity to purchase their first home.

Shared ownership in Kent with Moat

Moat Homes offers a unique opportunity to own a share of your new home while paying rent on the remaining share. This scheme is perfect for those who want to get on the property ladder but may not have the full deposit required to purchase a property outright.

With Moat Homes, you can buy a 25% share in one of our new homes and pay subsidised rent on the remaining 75%. You also have the option to increase your shares over time until you own the property outright, through a process known as staircasing. Moat Homes makes it possible for you to live in your dream home without having to break the bank. Contact us today to learn more about this unique opportunity.


Farm Holt

New Ash Green Longfield Kent DA3 8QA

£1,607 estimated monthly cost

3 bedrooms

1 bathroom

Shares from 60%

Full market value from £365,000


Johnsons Court

School Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 0BE

£185 estimated monthly cost

2 bedrooms

1 bathroom

Shares from 75%

Full market value from £220,000


James Smith Court - 5th Floor

Dartford, Kent, DA1 5XL

£1,085 estimated monthly cost

1 bedroom

1 bathroom

Shares from 30%

Full market value from £260,000


James Smith Court

Dartford, Kent, DA1 5XL

£1,197 estimated monthly cost

1 bedroom

1 bathroom

Shares from 45%

Full market value from £270,000


White Horse

Range Road, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6HQ

£1,988 estimated monthly cost

4 bedrooms

1 bathroom

Shares from 40%

Full market value from £500,000


High Street

Seal, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 0AP

£1,180 estimated monthly cost

1 bedroom

1 bathroom

Shares from 25%

Full market value from £350,000

Frequently Asked Questions

Shared ownership offers the chance to purchase a share (generally between 25%-75%) of a house or an apartment. A 5%-10% mortgage deposit is required for the share being purchased which, in the current market, makes it possible to own a home through shared ownership.

If you don’t already own a home, live outside London and earn less that £80,000 a year, then yes you are eligible! The same applies in London but you can earn up to £90,000. For full eligibility details, please visit

Yes, if you wish to purchase a home with us, you will need a deposit for your mortgage. This will typically be 5% or 10% of the total share value and is in addition to the savings required for other home buying costs such as legal fees and mortgage arrangement fees. Please note we do not accept interest only mortgages or 100% mortgages.

Buying a new home off plan means that you commit to purchasing it whilst it’s still being constructed. You may, or may not, have an opportunity to physically view inside it before your commitment to buy it becomes a legal obligation (at the stage where you exchange contracts). Further information about buying off-plan can be found here.

You’ll be expected to provide documentation to us, your mortgage advisor / lender and your appointed solicitor. This will include: wage slips, bank statements, proof of address, details of your employment and certified identification.

Resales are homes that the current owner bought through shared ownership and now wishes to sell on. It’s still the same shared ownership government-backed product but you normally purchase at least the share that the seller currently owns. Further information about resales can be found here.

Yes you can and you can do this at anytime after you have purchased your home. It is entirely up to you if you decide to staircase and purchase further shares.

You purchase additional shares at the current market value and with each staircasing transaction, your rent reduces according to the new percentage owned. When you reach 100% ownership, you no longer pay us rent, although you are still liable for service charges and ground rent (if applicable).

Ground rent is a fee that is charged on leasehold (and sometimes shared ownership) homes. If you have to pay ground rent it will be a condition of your lease for the land that your home is built on. This is generally only applicable for apartments and Moat usually do not charge ground rent if we are the freeholder (this means that Moat own the land and / or apartment block). If Moat aren’t the freeholder, we do not fix the ground rent but we will collect it from you to pass onto the freeholder or landlord of the building that you live in.

There are costs associated with buying a home and these include a reservation fee, survey and mortgage arrangement fees, solicitors fees and removal costs. We recommend that you have around £5,000 to cover all of this. This is in addition to any mortgage deposit you intend to use.

Our rent is typically set at 2.75% per annum for the share you don’t own. Here’s an example: You’ve paid £90,000 for a 30% share of a home with a full market value of £300,000. The remainder still owned by us is 70%, or £210,000. We’ll charge you rent at 2.75% per annum, that equates to £5,775 over the year, or just over £480 per month. Remember that you’ll also be paying your monthly mortgage and any service charge payments.

These are charges payable by you as the shared owner to the landlord / freeholder for services the landlord is obliged to provide under the terms of the lease. At the time of purchase, service charges are estimates and the amount will then vary from year to year depending on services provided. The cost of these services are usually split between those living in the apartment block or on the estate. Service charges include items such as cleaning of communal areas, maintenance of communal car parks, grounds maintenance, communal lighting etc. We provide full details of all service charges to you before you buy a home with us and they are also outlined in your lease.

If you’re buying a house, it’s usually fine to bring your pets. We do have to check the lease, so please speak to us if you have pets.

Yes you can! You will need to let us know about any bigger projects such as home improvements and structural changes.

Subletting your home isn’t allowed but you can take in a lodger. We are here to help, so please get in touch if you want to speak to us about subletting.

The managing agent is the company appointed by the management company or they can be appointed by the freeholder of the building to run and manage the building and associated services. If Moat is the freeholder, we will collect service charges directly from leaseholders in accordance with the terms of the lease. If Moat is not the freeholder, we will still collect the service charges as the freeholder will collect them from us; we do not make any money from this, we are simply passing on the costs. The service charges will include management fees which are their fees for this service. This is usually only a very small element of the total service charge.

The management company are responsible for the collection of service charges and the delivery of management and maintenance services across the estate / development where you live. The role and obligations of the management company are specified in your lease or Transfer to Moat. The management company may choose to pass some or all of their responsibilities to a managing agent.

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